On this page you’ll find all the information you’ll need to run your camp. Use the tabs below for more information.

Complete your Online Learning

Please complete all courses available to you – Click here to get started

All course certificates are cleared every two years meaning that they were deleted at the start of 2023 – this is to ensure that you have up to date information.

Safeguarding and Looking After Children are cleared yearly in January as these are the key courses that need to be done each year to meet our safeguarding and health and safety standards.

Once these courses are completed, your certificates will therefore be valid for 2 years/the rest of the year and we won’t ask you to do them again until they expire.

Create a WhatsApp group;

You can find the contact numbers of your staff team within the ‘Staff Details’ report within Managers Portal.  

What to include within your message:

  • – Introduce yourself
  • – Remind your team to complete their Online Learning
  • – Ensure staff know when their induction day is and confirm their attendance
  • – Share the link to the Red Top Essentials page

Check you have access to Managers Portal

    • Login details can be found on your contract page under ‘Training and Resources’

If you are having issues logging in, please contact the operations team – operations@kingsactive.org

Contact your venue

    • – Introduce yourself
    • – Confirm induction day date and times
    • WhatsApp groups

      • – Regional Manager to set up WhatsApp group for venues that don’t yet have a Site Manager contracted

Induction day

  • – Remind your team to bring their passport as well as a photocopy; to complete work eligibility checks
  • – If any member of staff cannot attend Induction Day, they must bring it to their next working day on camp

Evaluation structure

  • – Verbal Evaluations – Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7
  • – Written Evaluations – Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8

Go and observe at least one full session from each staff member, gather examples of good practice and some improvements. Be honest, if something isn’t going well, tell them.

Pay Dates

  • – All pay dates can be found within the ‘pay day’ section on the front page of the Red Top Essentials Page – please share this with your teams.

Child Groupings

  • – The child groupings report on Managers Portal will automatically organise the children into groups by age order.
  • – You’ll need to download this and have a play around making group sizes as even as possible as well as trying to accommodate as many friend requests as you can.
  • – Remember if you are making changes for friend requests, children should always be moved down a group rather than up.

TOP TIP: Write what group each child is in on your Master Register so you can easily tell them whilst signing them in on their first day of camp. 

Staff Rotas

Check the ‘venue documents’ folder on Managers Portal. We aim to upload rotas on the Thursday prior to camp however due to unforeseen circumstances, this may take a little longer and be uploaded over the weekend.

WhatsApp Group

Check for any newly hired staff in the ‘staff details’ document and add to your group


  • -We have created a timetable for you! You will find this within the ‘reference documents’ folder on Managers Portal.
  • -This is a generic timetable that you will need to tailor to your camp. You will need to add the facilities available to you, your swimming/ climbing schedules and some activities may need to be adapted slightly dependent on the age of children in each group and the experience of the coaches.
  • -Due to safety concerns and inadequate supervision, Camouflage has been removed from the timetable. However, we have introduced two exciting new games – Spikeball and Skittleball, and you can find details about them in the ‘resources’ section.
  • -We advise that you check the following:
    • 1. Coaches understand the timetable, know the activities they are leading and are comfortable leading their assigned group
    • 2. Activities are suitable for each group
    • 3. Any overlapping of equipment in sessions
    • 4. For re-occurring camps – children may be tired so consider adapting activities based on energy levels

What to print

1x Master Register

1x Activity Register for each group

1x Staff sign in/out sheet

1x Induction Day Timesheet

1x Timetable for each member of staff

1x Extended Hours Timetable (see ‘reference documents’ on Managers Portal)

1x Swim Timetable (If applicable)

1x Online Learning Checks

Here are a few reminders to help finish camp strong and get ahead for the next week:

  1. [1] Evaluations

Verbal Evaluations – Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7

Written Evaluations – Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8

Go and observe at least one full session from each staff member, gather examples of good practice and some improvements. Be honest, if something isn’t going well, tell them.

  1. [2] Weekly report

Submit your weekly report including your staff performance overview and what level your Rookies reached.

  1. [3] Complete all paperwork

Put all relevant documents into the pre-paid envelope found in your Managers Box and send it back to head office the last day of camp each week, after camp is finished. Please refer to the ‘Document Returns Process’ document within Equipment & Resource Information on Managers Portal.

To maintain the highest standards of safeguarding, child protection and data protection, we have an efficient document return process. Failure to adhere to this process could result in delayed payroll.

  1. [4] Timesheets

Take a picture of your staff sign in /out sheet and induction day timesheets. Email them to finance.mailbox@kingsactive.org before returning in the red envelope

  1. [5] Rookie Academy
    If you have Rookies on your camp, please ensure you are telling us what they have completed in your Weekly Report. When they complete, you must cut off the back two pages of their workbook (completed) and send back to us in the weekly returns envelope.
  2. [6] Prep for next week
  • – Review your timetable – make tweaks for this coming week
  • – Review the information about children with additional needs and give the information to staff where needed
  • – Check the Staff rota noting hours and positions (including First Aiders). If this isn’t uploaded yet, it will be shortly so just check back.
  • -Review child groupings: remove/ add any children

Well done for this week, know you’re all doing great! Like always, if you need anything please contact your Regional Manager or the Ops Team.

Well done for your great work on camp this season. We hope you’ve had a brilliant time!

As you look to close down your camp, here are some helpful hints and reminders.

  1. [1] Equipment
  2. – Use the following handy PDF with step-by-step instructions on packing down camp. We do not want any Arts & Crafts materials returned to us – keep them, use them, donate them but don’t return them please.

Click here to see the equipment that was sent to your camp and their quantities for reference.

[2] Lost property

  1. – Put it in the red lost property bag and leave at the venue, there is no point in bringing lost items all the way to Sheffield when their owner lives in Glasgow.
  2. [3] As you found it
  3. – Please leave venues neat and tidy, with rubbish put away. We dropped off the equipment in nice, neat holdalls, piled neatly together. Use the tags as a guide for what goes where.
  4. [4] Evaluations
  5. – Complete all staff evaluations for everyone who has worked and ensure they are uploaded on Manager’s Portal. Be detailed and fair in your observations.
  6. [5] Weekly Report
  7. – Complete and upload to Manager’s Portal
  8. [6] Document returns
  9. – Check you have put all relevant documents into the pre-paid red envelope found in your Managers Box and send it back to head office after camp is finished. Follow the labels on the back for what should be in there.
  10. [7] Praise and thank yous
  11. – We hope you can end on a high with your staff team, celebrate a job well done! Please say thank you to your venue contact/caretaker if they are around too – we couldn’t do it without them.