January – the time of year where we reflect on the previous 12 months whilst creating resolutions and goals for the next twelve. When it comes to Kings and our resolutions for 2025, we don’t want to ‘re-invent the wheel’ but simply focus on re-committing to, and upholding the values that we share as an organisation.
To us, this re-commitment will be displayed by us each and every day through our organisational values:
Servant Hearted – Seek opportunities to serve others
In late 2024, we conducted a survey to over 13,500 of our members to obtain and listen to feedback. Excitingly, we have already implemented some of the feedback we received by reinstating flexible booking opportunities for children on camp. So, in 2025, we’ll continue to seek opportunities to serve our members in whatever way possible.
Honest – Be truthful, speak up
We will continue to listen and encourage individual’s to have a voice, listening and valuing their experiences, encouraging them to share and be heard. Just one of the ways we’ll do this is through the continuation of our Monday Morning Meetings (MMM’s).
Progressive – Get things done, think ahead, be brave
Several positive changes were agreed following our review period in our final quarter of 2024. These changes will empower us to serve our parents, carers, Red Tops and overall organisation better, and hold us to an even higher standard in 2025.
Remarkable – Be dissatisfied with the ordinary, make someone’s day
In 2025, our staff will continue to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to ensure all aspects of our camps run smoothly, so we provide the best possible experience for all children and families who attend.
Reflect the Kings Factor – Have fun, celebrate and enjoy your work
Our Head Office team work hard all year round to ensure camps operate safely and successfully, but we encourage time for some fun and enjoyment. Our Extra Mile awards, Friday quizzes, and post-camp celebrations will remain a key part of our culture, despite 2025 possibly being our busiest year yet.
Ultimately, to us, this recommitment is shown through living, following and continually discussing our values. As an organisation, we look forward to taking 2025 in our stride and reflecting on our progress and achievements in another 12 months’ time.